For some spice!

You know the irritating feeling when everything around you seems to be at a standstill? When people aren't updating their blogs, leaving you with no entertainment. When the cafe around the corner and the Chinese takeaway and the library are closed, ensuring there is no place you can read apart from your room . When a stuffy head and a bad cold make you feel like nothing and demand that you stay within four walls. When your essay refuses to structure itself inside your head, let alone make its way onto paper. When everybody's new year plans involve going to a bridge to see fireworks on a cold night. When every Facebook status seems to be same "Happy New Year" and it begins to wreak havoc on your nerves.

Then you're probably a cranky international student spending the Christmas vacation in London.


  1. When people aren't updating their blogs, leaving you with no entertainment. flidza, what a profound thought. please update more often :D


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