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Finding my feet as a parent

The thing about living in a place that you didn't grow up in is that you have to work that extra bit harder to figure things out. Sometimes you don't have all the information and at other times, it's the experience that's lacking.  I've been there. As the first in my cohort of Indian friends to have a baby and having moved to a London suburb with a young baby, I've missed having local knowledge and experience. The information piece was easier to sort. As my husband would say, most answers are just a good Google search away. What's been harder is not having had points of reference - that friend/aunt/cousin that you've watched with their kids - whose experiences serve as reference for how things might be done here.  That's where this blog comes in - chronicling some of the things that I've done, learnt and continue to learn in my journey as the mum of two primary school-going children in the United Kingdom. Sometimes, it's just the things that ...

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